Healing Archive + Toolkit

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Guided Reiki for Self Care (23 min)

True self-care is developing the ability to shift your own energy from within. Through somatic guidance, this practice will support you to tune into what wants attention within you.

Coming Home: an energy clearing practice

This energy clearing and nourishment practice will support you to call your energy home and come back into the present moment. It will support you to clarify your energy, connect to yourself and find grounding.

**this practice is also included in The Art of Holding Space

Full Body Energy Clearing + Alignment (46 min)

With the restorative powers of Reiki and other energy healing and alignment techniques we’ll cleanse through the whole system and invite in deep nourishment through the body: the bones, bone marrow, nervous system, organs, glands, tissue, fluid systems of the body, spinal cord and brain. This process will move out into your energy field reestablishing your auric presence by cleaning out collective energies, harmful frequencies, projections and toxicity. You’ll be guided to set powerful intentions to reset, clear out and call back your power with the restorative power of life force.

The Descent + The Resurrection: a guided healing journey (52 min)

This healing ceremony will guide you through an energy + somatic healing journey to reclaim, restore + renew. You will be guided to commune with experiences of descent in your life that need reclaiming and REST-oration. You’ll be supported to identify themes to work with from the past or present that need attention, witness and resolution. Bring your grief, rage, disorientation, exhaustion etc. Bring the parts of you that are being broken open to become something softer and more sovereign. You'll be guided to call in the light to support these parts with resource and nourishment. You'll invite in what is true and life affirming so that you can come in contact with that which is incorruptible within you.

Breathwork Workshop: Transform Energies, Beliefs and Limitations Ready to Evolve (60 min)

Through the power of breathwork you will be supported to connect to your higher self/core essence in order to cleanse and transmute energies living in your body, subconsious and energy field that are ready to evolve into a higher state or be cleared from your field of experience.

Visions Class - Introduction to Oracular Knowing with Breathwork (90 min)

Reclaim your ancient wisdom by communing with: the liminal realms, the elements and the oracular capacity of your body.

This class is meant to support you to turn towards your inner knowings and to develop your relationship to the world beyond the material.

Too often the oracular part of us has been pathologized and othered by both ourselves and others when really it’s our life boat to self actualization. This session will support you to understand your connection to what is ‘beyond’ with a sense of anchor.