1:1 healing sessions
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The energy healing, breathwork and embodiment practices I work with help you to heal from trauma, recover from chronic stress and illness, expand creative capacity and grow spiritual and energetic awarenesses and abilities.
My 1:1 sessions include:
energy healing, breathwork, body centered guided meditation, somatic based trauma informed exercises, nervous system support, work with your akashic records and grounding support for highly sensitive people
Sessions will guide you and support you to:
Deepen your relationship to your body and your creative life force
Call home soul fragments in order to embody more of your authentic essence
Discharge energy stuck in the body from stress and trauma
Shift the unconscious energy of limiting beliefs and old patterns getting in the way of optimal health, creative focus and spiritual growth
Bring creative visions and business projects to life with more ease and clarity
Expand the range of possibilities you have access to
Sustain more life force in your body and energy field
Tune into and work with spiritual and intuitive gifts
Receive guidance and mentoring for facilitators / teachers / healers / space holders
This healing work has a powerful clearing and stabilizing effect for the body. You will be guided to better understand symptoms and what they are trying to tell you so that you can find resolution and balance. The work happens on a cellular level and addresses ancestral and soul level healing.
Sessions are intuitively guided based on the needs of the participant and are currently offered on Zoom.
Session Pricing
70 min session: $130
Sliding Scale Rate: $80 - 130 (zoom sessions)
A sliding scale is available for online sessions for those who need financial support. Please see additional information below to help you use the scale.
All scheduled sessions require 24 hours notice for cancellation.
**I offer a few sliding scale sessions from $50-80 each month for those with emergency financial need!
See my session calendar here
Reiki connects the body and its energy field to universal source energy. This healing practice raises the vibration of the body, clearing energy pathways to allow life force to flow more naturally. It addresses physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances and harmonizes body, mind and spirit.
By releasing dense energy that creates disease and chronic conditions it detoxes the body at a cellular level. It can relieve physical pain and tension, release trauma, uncover root causes of chronic issues, strengthen the immune system, support the nervous system, balance energy levels, shift old patterns in the way of well being, improve mental clarity, deepen intuition, and improve sleep.learn more about Reiki here
Breathwork opens up access to our subconscious, supporting us to free ourselves from mental, emotional and social conditioning that can keep us limited in our lives. This 2-stage Pranayama style breathwork (done lying down) creates more space in the tissues and circulates stuck emotional energy, while opening a direct line to clarity, intuition and creative instincts.
Our history, our lived experiences and our ancestors, gets embedded in our cells and can trap us in old cycles until we release them. Making a conscious choice to work with our emotions through breathwork we can release layers of stuck pain patterns in the body. Both physically and emotionally.learn more about Breathwork here
Bodywork that comes from a Thai tradition which includes stretching and trigger point therapy for the maximum benefits to the recipient, which include trigger point release, creating pathways for better circulation, and immune system boosts.Somatic approach to trauma-informed care includes a deeper understanding of the body’s relationship with social, environmental, developmental, relational, spiritual, and cultural wounding and healing. It offers a holistic framework for understanding and working with trauma from a body-centered perspective.
Somatics is a term that highlights the mind-body connection and the relationship between them. Somatic approaches recognize that the body knows things that have not yet become conscious to the cognitive mind.
Somatic Practices help you tune into and understand…
The ways you hold on to your life experiences in your body
How this holding affects your nervous system and immune system
How to interpret the messages your body is sending you
How to listen empathetically to your body’s knowledge and listen to your emotions, instincts and intuition
The body can either process OR store life’s experiences. When we’re not able to process an experience, because something is too overwhelming, fast, violent, or traumatic, we store it in the body to process at a later time when we feel more resourced. Some of it we may consciously store as memory and some of it lives unconsciously in the tissue and nervous system. Storing overwhelming experiences changes our fascia and our skeletal alignment and the reaction time of our nervous system and immune system. It re-forms us around the contraction we’re holding from what we haven’t processed. This is how we cope in order to survive.
The issues come when we’ve lived in a chronic state of contraction for too long. When we don't heal after difficult life experiences, we create stuck energy and we develop patterns and habits to help us cope. These patterns become distortions of what we know to be true about the world.
Sessions are currently being offered virtually (via Zoom or phone). Clients will be sent a link via Zoom for both video and phone options after scheduling.
Sessions can be rescheduled for a future date or canceled if 24 hour advanced notice is given by email. If you are unable to give 24 hours advance notice you will be charged the full session fee. All pre-paid sessions, packages and events are non-refundable.Appointments must be scheduled within 90 days of purchase for Soul Retrieval package.
Please Note: On occasion healing sessions may go over the session time. In this case each additional 10 minutes is $18. It's important we don't disrupt the healing work if something is still moving and this can be difficult to anticipate ahead of time.
If you have questions or concerns, please email me at sutrabodyandsoul@gmail.com and I will be in touch within 72 hrs. -
Reduced rate healing sessions are offered on a sliding scale! After booking your appointment please let me know your plan to participate in the sliding scale and which rate you’re choosing.
It is my hope to make sure those who are in need have access to this work.
A sliding scale is used to encourage people to pay according to their available resources.
These sessions are for anyone who wants to participate in these sessions while on a limited budget.
Those with greater financial privilege contribute more, allowing those with less to pay according to their means. This allows my business to sustain its services while making accessibility possible.
When choosing where to pay on the scale please take a look at your available resources. Please keep in mind where you place value and worth in relationship to what you choose to put income towards outside of basic needs.
If your income is under 28K per year (as an individual), you have little expendable resources, are having difficult time finding regular work, are a student with debt that puts a strain on your budget, or you have stress about making payments on basic needs such as shelter or groceries then you should use the bottom of the scale. -
Just like you can sense the love of a loved one despite space, time and distance, the same holds true for the energy and healing sent in a remote healing session. Remote healing is powered by intention. This intention is from both of us: your intention to receive the healing and me to give it. It also includes a meditative focus on my part to send the energy. I connect with your field and body just as I would in person, by tuning in!
Tuning in on an energetic level is possible because the entire universe is connected through energy. Each particle in our universe has an intelligence that communicates across time and space. Particles that are separated by immense distances of time and space know what one another are doing.
To simplify this concept, you can think of this universal life force that connects all living things together like an ocean. Droplets in the ocean are all communicating with and are connected to all other droplets in the ocean. This is similar to every cell in the human body, each has its own individual position and role in the body AND each cell is also connected to and is unconsciously communicating with all the other fifty-trillion cells in the body.
Our energy fields are all connected to one another as a universal human collective. What any one of us does at any moment creates a ripple and that ripple affects the people around us and then the people around them and on and on it goes.
We're energetically connected first before we're physically connected.
“Since seeing Lindsay I have felt more grounded and connected to myself. I have already seen a shift in changing damaging habits, and I feel more at peace with regrets and experiences from the past. She was also able to help physical pain I had been carrying in my back over a remote session. After a month of trying to get rid of it on my own I felt 100% better two days after our session. I am so thankful I was introduced to her and hope to continue working with her as she continues to ever expand her own growth, knowledge, and approaches for healing.”
— Elaine M.
Have Questions? Contact me for a free consultation!
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“I’ve been a student/practitioner of the holistic arts for 20 yrs. I’ve gone to Lindsay for Reiki healing and for Reiki Master training. Lindsay is the first person that I truly connected with as a healer and teacher. Her way with words and the energy she possesses is interdimensional and magical. She has a gift that I continue to see her nurture as a healer, educator, and artist (so inspiring!). Her empathic, ancient and relevant approach has broken through areas in my soul that I’ve been working at for years. Highly recommend as a healer and teacher. I am blessed that our paths have crossed.”
— Suzy G.